Friday, June 15, 2007

Update coming soon to a blog near you

Sorry I am so slack in updating our blog. I will update soon with the latest news of our journey. Stay tuned.

Friday, April 20, 2007

The Heavens are telling of the glory of God

The heavens are telling of the glory of God;And their expanse is declaring the work of His hands. Psalm 19:1
God really blessed us one day with this beautiful sky one evening when we were making dinner. Just wanted to share it with you all.

Thursday, April 19, 2007

Spiritual Blessings

March was a month of blessings. Salem Baptist Church from Apex, NC came and blessed us with a spiritual retreat, Our home church, Richland Creek Community Church in Wake Forest, NC sent Bible Study materials so we could start a woman's bible study, and Eric's parents came and treated us to a 2 week vacation touring the sites of Greece. We had a blast. Thanks to you all.

In the midst of God’s blessings, we have been experiencing some spiritual warfare lately. God reminded me of His faithfulness when I received a note from one of my friends who was struggling with something and how God helped her. I (Diana) realized how much I need Him and how I should be desperate for Him everyday. Sometimes we forget God wants us to cry out to Him for everything. I start to think about myself , and how much easier it would be if I were "back home" and just living life as I knew it before, where I know the language and the culture. I just go back to the Cross of Christ. How much did He do for me? He was willing to not only come down to earth from a heavenly throne, He became a man, with the same emotions, hurts, pains as we have. He was taunted, spit on, rejected by His own. How He prayed in the garden if God could make another way. How much easier would it be if He was just "back home"? But He said to His Father, Not My will, but Thy will. I find myself at this moment saying the same, not my will Father, but Thy will.

We know that is God's will for us to be here at this time. He has reminded us time and time again. He has a plan and He is at work. Pray for us as we wait patiently for Him. All of us here believe that something BIG is about to happen!
In Christ’s Love,

The Tichenor’s
Eric, Diana, Alex, and Katie
1 Thessalonians 2:8

Friday, April 13, 2007

Explaination of last title....

I guess I have to explain why it is scary that I am in charge of the computer stuff. You see, I am one of the those computer illiterate people. I know I have to click on the little Internet icon to get to my e-mail and that's about it. So, forgive me if our blog looks a little empty. I will try to learn how to add pictures, links,etc. Happy reading to you all.

Blessings in His Love,


Thursday, April 12, 2007

Eric put me in charge of computer stuff, scary !!!!

We are missing you all and hope all is well "back home." Language is still going slow, but we are progressing somewhat better since Eric and I now have different teachers. We have different learning styles for sure. We still are shy about using the language, however, but summer is quickly approuching and we will be seeing a lot of our "unseen" neighbors. ( We hear everyone hangs out on their balconies because their homes are not air conditioned!) They are expecting a hot summer this year, 100 + degrees we hear, so I guess we will be hanging out outside as well. We will keep you posted with upcoming events and prayer requests as they come up. Please share with us also about all the things that are going on with you as well, we will consider it a joy to pray for you.

Blessings in His Love,


Welcome to our blog!

We have decided to start a blog so we can better keep up with all of our prayer partners. We will use this instead of sending out newsletters. I hope you all like the new format. Please continue to stay in touch and let us know how we can pray for you as well.

In Christ,

The Tichenor's